When I was still in the Philippines, I heard so many things about the arabs, about having a terrible attitudes, bad manners etc. I guess I am just seeing those in the eyes of filipinos who had a bad experiences in the middle east. And most of them are from Saudis, Not in Qatar.
So when I got the chance to work here in the middle east. (Qatar) I have a mixed emotions of fear, excitement, anxiety and with a big expectations of things. Like, what it will be like? How will I deal with them. But, as time goes by my anxiety and fear went away and was changed for fun and hospitality of the Qataris and Qatar. I found most of them very friendly and professionals. Specially when I met our superiors. They are very warm and soft spoken.
I was also amaze when I see some of them speak out our native language (Tagalog) like "Kamusta ka Pare" or "San punta?" And that things made me confident and at ease with them. I guess because almost all of food establishment and stores here in Qatar hires filipinos and filipinas.
Plus the fact that I always see our kababayan's everywhere!
The place is awesome. In Qatar they only have two seasons, the Winter in which it is very cold and the Summer with extremely hot.

So for those who are first timers like me. Relax and take your time. You will surely love Qatar and its people.

When you see Qatar in the middle east map (Use Google Earth) It is just s small land mass pinching out of KSA. (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
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